Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Photos to Break a Human Heart

In the supermarket this morning, my eyes fell upon the latest issue of Star magazine (which I did not sully my hands with, by the way). The sub-head read, "PHOTOS THAT WILL BREAK JEN'S HEART!"

The subject, of course, was Jennifer Aniston, who we all know has recently separated from Brad Pitt. The cover promised to provide lots of juicy photos of Brad and Angelina Jolie, with whom he is rumored to have had an affair.

What is freaking editor-in-chief Bonnie Fuller smoking?

Clearly, she shares a link on the food chain with slugs, roaches, rats, and other undesirables. How depraved is she to publish photos with the intention of breaking another person's heart?

Taking pleasure in other people's pain is revolting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read an article about her in Vanity Fair several months ago. That woman is clearly insane. There was more then one account of how she is delusional and mirrors the editor in "The Devil Wears Prada." Yeah...nuts.

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