Monday, January 24, 2005

Reasons to Be Cheerful

Things I am happy about today:

1) The pot of chili simmering on the stove

2) My amazing husband is on his way home

3) I wrote and sent my singles' ezine this morning

4) I revised some of my novel

5) My new nephew has gorgeous little pink feet that I dream of squeezing

6) My mother is getting good care at Sloan-Kettering and is in no pain

7) That new show, Medium, is on tonight

8) I have a half bottle of Cabernet on the kitchen counter

My children are downstairs playing air hockey instead of doing their homework, as I instructed. The older one lives for TV, so she can just forget it. The younger one lives to download coloring pages from the Internet. Guess she's out of luck, too.

So, that's one more thing to be happy about. I'll send them to their rooms after dinner, and Peter and I can enjoy the evening on our own.

Simple, huh?

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